Under the General Terms and Conditions, by placing order via the websites of
www.brandonbays.sk and
www.terapiacesta.sk you grant the company of
Journey, s.r.o., company reg. ID: 52192512, registered seat: Podpriehradná 3A, 821 07 Bratislava, represented by Ing. Michal Andrejco, Executive Manager, your consent with processing your personal data for the period of 10 years (name, surname, company name, Company reg. ID, Tax ID, VAT ID, address, phone number, email address, IP address recorded at the portals of
www.brandonbays.sk and
www.terapiacesta.sk, seminar data) for the purposes of executing your orders, invoicing, sending marketing offers and notifications and for the purposes of statistical assessments and classification of further data directly related to the purposes of processing.
Your data shall be safely stored, collected, processed and archived for the purposes of keeping the records on attended seminars (with regard to the logical sequence of individual seminars included in the Brandon Bays Journey method programmes) for the period of 10 years since the last executed order.
You are entitled to have all your personal data deleted without undue delay, unless they are needed for the purpose they were collected or processed for and after the expiry of the statutory reason of their potential archiving.
We hereby guarantee that your personal data shall be accessed exclusively by the employees and the associates of Journey, s.r.o. to the extent justifiably required in order to provide services and to process personal data.
Journey, s.r.o. explicitly undertake to not provide your personal data to any further persons or third parties.
We have modern monitoring, technical and security mechanisms ensuring the protection of the processed data against unauthorized access or transfer, their loss or damage or other potential misuse.
By means of the consent herein you confirm that you have provided your personal data freely, as well as the fact that you were informed about personal data processing duly and in timely manner, that you were informed about your right to access your personal data and your right to correct personal data that are incorrect, incomplete or outdated, the right to block or remove personal data and the right to file a motion to start a proceeding related to personal data protection at the Office for Personal Data Protection under the provisions of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection and GDPR: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and EU Directive 2016/680.